Recentely I participated in a horse training using Monty Roberts method (Join up) where we use trust and friendship to master the horse without any violence.

This little colt was attacked by bees, I rescued him that unfornutately died from the thousands stings, this picture is going to be in a specilized Brazilian horse magazine

My first join up with a 4 years old stallion, they come to you like a little dog.

My friend Carmindo and Maria with Anwar from Canada.

My very good friend Tad and Rita, I took then by plane to see the pantanal from another perspective. Thanks again Tad for eevrything.

Tad reached his dream to see a jaguar in the wild, we got it!!!!

I saved this little fellow that got lost, this year i saw him couple of time with his family, he looks great.

The powerpuff girls,

Jaguar in action trying to get his breakfast.

Cambara tree.
2010 was really busy, a lot of adventure and great time in the pantanal, I would like to thanks all those came along the year to see the beauty of the pantanal, I want oshare a bit of it with everybody.