sábado, 9 de maio de 2009

These are pix´s from a tour with Jason(uk) and his future wife(I´ll wait for the wedding invitation) Sara (DK).
Slowly the pantanal is getting dry, mammals and birds are getting ready for the season, jabiru storks are mating and getting the nest ready, after a hot day, hanging out at the natural pool, at night buffalo bbq for dinner.

sexta-feira, 1 de maio de 2009

Latest tour

This is my latest tour with a very nice couple, Kelly(UK) and her husband Damien that is Irish.
High density and High dew point caused this unusual but beautiful image in the morning at the pantanal.
We went out for a night safari we spotted this commom reptile but in a rare albine form, it is a forest racer, they are not poisoned but when bothered came became agressive, she and Kelly where having a nice chat.

A better view of the forest racer

Damien trying to impresse Kelly